
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sky Sailing - Brielle

I absolutely love this song especially right before bed. It can put me to sleep at almost any point. It came up on my iPod while driving home today and I instantly felt sleepy. Also, I love the artwork of this video. My roommate is a visualization major so he can do things like this but the artwork in this video is just wonderful. I hope you enjoy.

Carpe Diem

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Study Study School's Your Buddy

Being a college student the past week has been so difficult. It's that time of year when finals are here and all we can do is study till our brains can't take it anymore. And, if you're like me, even that doesn't do enough to get you the grades you want. Thankfully, grades are not the end all, be all in this world. We have been put here on this earth to love and serve others and while we need to make the most out of every opportunity (such as doing as well as we possibly can in school), we also need to realize that school is not all that we have to focus on. It breaks my heart to hear of people who have committed suicide because of grades. Grades are not what our lives are ultimately about. Do you need good grades to get into certain schools? Yea, but if you work your hardest and don't get those grades, then that's not where you were supposed to be in the first place. So sit back tonight and think how great your life really is. Yea you may have bombed that final but you still have friends around you and a place to call home.

Thanks for listening to me in that last paragraph. I needed to remind myself of that and hopefully remind you of that as well. So after that nice little pick me up, here are a few pictures from this past week. To keep me awake while studying I drank somewhere around 13 cups of coffee at Mugwalls. If you don't know, Mugwalls is the best coffee shop in College Station Texas especially if you are looking for a good drip coffee. Get a bottomless mug because you will definately want a refill and to try all the different flavors of coffee they have. I wish I could say I have a favorite but I truly love them all. The reason it is called Mugwalls is because they have mugs hanging from walls all around the store and you get to pick out which mug you want to drink out of. I feel I picked two of the best mugs in the store and I hope you agree.

Well everyone, as this semester heads to a close, I will be heading back home tomorrow and get to see my family and my friends up at Watermark. I am so thankful to have family and friends excited to see me when I get back and I am so pumped to see them too. Have a very Merry Christmas!

Carpe Diem

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Coldplay - Christmas Lights

For all of you studying for finals, here is a little song so you can be distracted for just a few minutes. I find that music is such a wonderful distraction because you can listen to it while studying. Have a wonderful day studying.

Carpe Diem

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Half Marathon Numero Uno

I finally have a second to sit down and write another post. Thank goodness! This past weekend I got the opportunity to run in my first half marathon. For a while now I have been training and getting ready for this race. When December 4th hit, I was beyond excited to go pick up my packet and have a huge dinner with friends for the race the next day. The half that I ran was the White Rock half and I totally recommend it to anyone. It is great for beginners because there are so many people along the course cheering you on and it is just really well put together. So on the morning of the 5th, I woke up at 5:15 to meet with friends at 6 to drive to the race together. It took us literally an hour and a half to get there because so many people were running which was stressful but once we parked my nerves calmed down. Running that race may be on the of the hardest things I have every done. I did not want to walk away from this race thinking I could have gone faster so I pushed myself the whole race. I was able to finish in 1 hour and 54 minutes. One of the greatest blessings about this race was having friends and family there to greet me at the end. Seeing them so excited for me and being able to be excited with my friends who ran with me just made the experience that much more amazing. I cannot wait to do another one.

I hope all of you readers had a great week and for all of us college students, get ready for finals! Study, study, schools your buddy! Have a blessed day!

Carpe Diem

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Goldfish even tell you too!

Saw this and just had to put it up here. Even goldfish, the snack make with the ingredient smiles, tells you to seize the day. Have a wonderful day everyone.

Carpe Diem

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Amos Story - Music Video - Aaron Ivey

Sorry I have taken so long to post anything. I just have not been able to focus long enough to actually write something and it make any sense. It's a miracle that I made it through my 20 page research paper finished up horticulture. So I thought I would post this video. I love the story behind it and I wish I was creative enough to come up with the idea. Hope you all enjoy.

Carpe Diem