
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sky Sailing - Brielle

I absolutely love this song especially right before bed. It can put me to sleep at almost any point. It came up on my iPod while driving home today and I instantly felt sleepy. Also, I love the artwork of this video. My roommate is a visualization major so he can do things like this but the artwork in this video is just wonderful. I hope you enjoy.

Carpe Diem

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Study Study School's Your Buddy

Being a college student the past week has been so difficult. It's that time of year when finals are here and all we can do is study till our brains can't take it anymore. And, if you're like me, even that doesn't do enough to get you the grades you want. Thankfully, grades are not the end all, be all in this world. We have been put here on this earth to love and serve others and while we need to make the most out of every opportunity (such as doing as well as we possibly can in school), we also need to realize that school is not all that we have to focus on. It breaks my heart to hear of people who have committed suicide because of grades. Grades are not what our lives are ultimately about. Do you need good grades to get into certain schools? Yea, but if you work your hardest and don't get those grades, then that's not where you were supposed to be in the first place. So sit back tonight and think how great your life really is. Yea you may have bombed that final but you still have friends around you and a place to call home.

Thanks for listening to me in that last paragraph. I needed to remind myself of that and hopefully remind you of that as well. So after that nice little pick me up, here are a few pictures from this past week. To keep me awake while studying I drank somewhere around 13 cups of coffee at Mugwalls. If you don't know, Mugwalls is the best coffee shop in College Station Texas especially if you are looking for a good drip coffee. Get a bottomless mug because you will definately want a refill and to try all the different flavors of coffee they have. I wish I could say I have a favorite but I truly love them all. The reason it is called Mugwalls is because they have mugs hanging from walls all around the store and you get to pick out which mug you want to drink out of. I feel I picked two of the best mugs in the store and I hope you agree.

Well everyone, as this semester heads to a close, I will be heading back home tomorrow and get to see my family and my friends up at Watermark. I am so thankful to have family and friends excited to see me when I get back and I am so pumped to see them too. Have a very Merry Christmas!

Carpe Diem

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Coldplay - Christmas Lights

For all of you studying for finals, here is a little song so you can be distracted for just a few minutes. I find that music is such a wonderful distraction because you can listen to it while studying. Have a wonderful day studying.

Carpe Diem

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Half Marathon Numero Uno

I finally have a second to sit down and write another post. Thank goodness! This past weekend I got the opportunity to run in my first half marathon. For a while now I have been training and getting ready for this race. When December 4th hit, I was beyond excited to go pick up my packet and have a huge dinner with friends for the race the next day. The half that I ran was the White Rock half and I totally recommend it to anyone. It is great for beginners because there are so many people along the course cheering you on and it is just really well put together. So on the morning of the 5th, I woke up at 5:15 to meet with friends at 6 to drive to the race together. It took us literally an hour and a half to get there because so many people were running which was stressful but once we parked my nerves calmed down. Running that race may be on the of the hardest things I have every done. I did not want to walk away from this race thinking I could have gone faster so I pushed myself the whole race. I was able to finish in 1 hour and 54 minutes. One of the greatest blessings about this race was having friends and family there to greet me at the end. Seeing them so excited for me and being able to be excited with my friends who ran with me just made the experience that much more amazing. I cannot wait to do another one.

I hope all of you readers had a great week and for all of us college students, get ready for finals! Study, study, schools your buddy! Have a blessed day!

Carpe Diem

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Goldfish even tell you too!

Saw this and just had to put it up here. Even goldfish, the snack make with the ingredient smiles, tells you to seize the day. Have a wonderful day everyone.

Carpe Diem

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Amos Story - Music Video - Aaron Ivey

Sorry I have taken so long to post anything. I just have not been able to focus long enough to actually write something and it make any sense. It's a miracle that I made it through my 20 page research paper finished up horticulture. So I thought I would post this video. I love the story behind it and I wish I was creative enough to come up with the idea. Hope you all enjoy.

Carpe Diem

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Unwelcomed Guest of the Cold

For the past month, I have been waiting for the cold to get here. I know it's Texas and I should expect it to always be hot outside but last year the cold weather was here for a while and I loved it. But I forgot about the one thing that makes me hate the cold weather: Wind.

I hop on my bike to head to campus and the wind is blowing right in my face. At first it's not to bad and I am able to go for a few minutes before the wind just makes it bitter cold. I just hope and pray that the wind stops while I am biking. Of course, once I get to campus, the wind starts to die down and the weather is absolutely perfect.

So cold weather, I am so glad that you have arrived and I hope you decide to stay for a while. But can you tell your friend the wind to go back from where he came?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Carpe Diem?

I love the phrase Carpe Diem because it reminds me to spend every day pursuing what I love. I don't wanna look back and think that I missed out on an opportunity. In my past, especially high school, I just tried to make it through the day without looking like an idiot or someone thinking less of me. Because of this, I never pursued some friendships and I ended up being a loner. When I finally started taking advantage of the opportunities that presented themselves, life just got so much better. I realized that no matter how weird/crazy I am, I will still have friends and people there who love me. I say this not to be talking about me and my life. I say this to remind everyone to step up and do what you love. Sure you will make mistakes along the way but you will find out what you love and what you hate. Once you find what you love, pursue that whole heartedly. Don't let anything get in your way. So, to wrap this up....


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Warrior Dash Pictures

So it has taken me a week to get these pictures up but I finally have some of them. When I get the ones of Beth and I jumping over fire, I will put those up as well.

If you ever get the opportunity to participate in the Warrior Dash, you have to take advantage of it! Beth went into it very nervous and didn't really want to do it to be honest. But she had a great time and really enjoyed it. It's not to difficult and not to easy so it hits that perfect medium. Just remember to get there really early cause the traffic is terrible. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Carpe Diem

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day After Thanksgiving

The day where everyone heads back to the weight room for a week. The day where people are going crazy looking for good deals in the store. The day where we eat everything we didn't eat the day before. The day where good college football continues and we sit around and watch that. The day were we can finally start listening to Christmas music. And most importantly, the day my family sets up our Christmas tree.

Since forever, the Price family has set up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. We normally have a fake tree but this year, since our house is being remodeled and we have to live in a hotel, we got a real tree. It smells amazing in the room. We didn't get to put up as many ornaments as we normally do but I'm alright with that since we put up all the ones that actually have meaning to the family. This Christmas will be really different since we will be in a hotel but I am already getting excited. The best time of year is right around the corner!

Have a wonderful day everyone and take full advantage of every opportunity.

Carpe Diem

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Brother is Home!!!

That's right folks, my brother got home tonight for Thanksgiving! It was so fun going to the airport to pick him up. For those of you who don't know, my brother is a plebe (freshman) at the Naval Academy in Annapolis Maryland. He is enjoying his time there even though he says it is very hard. He has wanted to serve his country as a soldier since he was very young and it is so cool seeing him pursue that dream. It has been hard to for me to fully back him in the journey because I don't want him to get hurt. But seeing how happy he is tonight and knowing that this is where he wants to be, I can finally stand behind him fully and get excited for him.

The best thing about seeing him today is the fact that I finally get to talk to him. He and I haven't see each other since June and neither of us are very good at talking on the phone. So having him here is so great even though I know I will hear more about the Naval Academy than I ever thought possible. I love him to death and it will be sad to see him head back on Sunday.

Well I'm heading to bed anxiously awaiting Thanksgiving tomorrow. Remember to reflect on what you are thankful for and have a great day with family and friends.

Carpe Diem

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Book Review #1

So for the past 2 days all I have done is go to class and read The Lost Hero by Rich Riordan. This book is a sequal to the Percy Jackson books and is incredible. Now for all of you who saw the movie and think these books are stupid, the movie was horrible. They did a terrible job of sticking with the storyline and the character descriptions were very off. Everyone I know who has read the books loves them and completely hates the movies. Anyway, The Lost Hero is one of the most captivating books I have read in a while. I was sucked in from the first chapter until the very end. One of my favorite things about this book is you see Rich Riordan becoming a better author. The Percy Jackson books were never very long but this book was over 550 pages. He goes into greater detail and you learn so much more about the characters and what is going on around them. There are new characters from the first 5 books and each one offers something unique to the story. I don't want to give to much away but this is definately a book you need to check out. Remember to be yourself and don't let life pass you by without having some fun.

I give it: 4.5 out of 5

Carpe Diem

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ingram Hill "Troubled Mercy"

Just thought I would put this up so all y'all can listen before heading to bed. Probably my second favorite band right now. Just such a great sound.

Reason #1

Reason #1 why I love blogging

One of the many reasons I love having this blog is because every time that I am bored or just need a release, I know that I can come here and write whatever I am feeling/thinking . So here it goes.

First off, this post will let you know a little bit more about me. For one, there are 3 things in life that are bound to cheer me up if I am ever having a bad day. Depending on the day it may take all 3 or it may just take one to lift my spirits.

1)  The first is a good book. I love sitting down to read and just getting immersed in a book. I forget about time and just sit there and read until the end. Last night I finished the third book of the Eragon series, Brisingr, which I highly recommend. One of the best things about these books is the fact that the author, Christopher Paolini, started writing them when he was only a teenage and was on the New York Times best seller list by the time he was 19. As you read these books you get to see the maturation of his writing and his search for what life is supposed to be about. Anyway, I stayed up an hour later than a wanted to because I could not put the book down. Each page sucked me in more and more until I knew I had to finish it. Give me a good book, and my day will just get better.

2) The second is music. Now I am not this music junkie who goes around and finds all of this hidden music no one talks about. I like stuff that lots of other people like and I am OK with that. Who cares if others like it or not as long as I find it good? Right now my favorite two bands are Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers and Ingram Hill. My favorite thing about them is they sound just as good live as they do on their CD.

3) Finally, I love to watch a good sports game. It doesn't have to be a specific sport even though college basketball is hands down the best sport to watch. If I have the time, I love to sit down and watch a good college basketball game and just analyze every play. My favorite team for as long as I can remember is the Duke Blue Devils. I fell in love with them when J.J. Reddick was only a freshman but could hit 3's from anywhere on the court. Since then it has always been a dream of mine to go on and coach basketball even if it is only at the high school level. We will see what happens to that dream but you can bet I will still continue to have a 4 day march madness party with my best friend from back home every year for the first 2 rounds of the tournament.

So there you have it. The three things that can build me up whenever I feel down. One thing that you may find interesting is that there is no mention of people on this list. This may seem odd for those of you who know me since I love hanging out with people. But for me, when I am upset or sad, there is not much that people can say to fix it. I have to work it out on my own for a bit before I am open to having people there to help me. I know that may be something I need to work on for later in life especially when I get married but we shall see what my life looks like at that point.

So for all of you who don't know me very well, that was a look into my life and hopefully you know me just a little bit better. Have a wonderful day and remember to take advantage of every opportunity presented before you.

Carpe Diem

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What a Weekend

Yea guys, that's right! Beth and I went to Bastrop Texas and finished the Warrior Dash! At first Beth was extremely nervous and did not want to do it but after we started, she had a great time and we finished in the top 50% of our heat. Running through a muddy creek, jumping over fire, and crawling through mud under barbed wire were just a few of the things that we got to do. I loved every second of it and cannot wait until they come back. More pictures will be posted in the next few days.

After the race, we went back to College Station, showered, changed, and headed up to the Aggie game. It was an incredible game and the Aggies pulled out a victory over Nebraska! It was definitely one of the best football games I have ever been to and hearing all the students yell the whole game gave me chills.

Unfortunaly, due to tests, Harry Potter at midnight (incredibly movie by the way. Best movie of the series so far), and just being plain busy, I have not been able to post as often as I would like. But I have a break for a bit so hopefully I will be posting more often.

One of the best things about having a blog is you realize all the interesting stuff that happens to you on a day to day basis. I used to think my life was pretty boring but now that I am blogging I realize that there are so many awesome things that happen to me each and every day. I am so thankful to wake up every day and see what will happen to me that day. Until next time, I love all you readers. Keep loving life and having fun!

Carpe Diem

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cow in the Room

I know that this is not a great picture but it's the best my phone could do (I need an iPhone so I can actually take good pictures but maybe someday I'll have one). I walked into class and there was a group of people crowded together in the front of the room. I thought nothing of it and responded to a text I had. When I looked up after the text, I realized that there was a cow just standing in my classroom. I guess the class before me had a cow come in so they could talk about it. Not really sure what is going on in that class but oh well. The best part is the teacher had to carry around a trash can so each time the cow had to poop or pee, the teacher had to hold the trash can so it would not fall on the floor. So that was the start of my day. I love how little things in life can help you get through the day.

Carpe Diem

Sunday, November 14, 2010

STEPHEN KELLOGG & THE SIXERS - See You Later, See You Soon

I thought I would put this video up so you can get a taste of my new favorite band. I know I am way behind on the times when it comes to them but I am so happy that I can now listen while studying. The best part is that even though it was recorded on a crappy video camera, he sounds amazing. I want/need to see him live someday.

Friday, November 12, 2010

One of those weeks

So this week was one of those weeks. You know the ones where nothing seems to go right. Where you try as hard as you can and still you fall short. I had 3 tests this week that I busted my butt for and none of them turned out well. I end the week by dropping my cell phone in the toilet (never texting in the bathroom again) and now it is broken as well. As I type this, I am letting frustration, anger, and hurt come out on the paper. But the great thing is I know that there is hope.

I know that tomorrow I will wake up and it will be a new day. Will my phone still be broken? Yea probably. Will my grades still be the same? Unless there is some miracle, definately. But I take comfort in knowing that there are still people here to love me and a Creator is has chosen me as His son. There is nothing I can do to earn His love and yet He pours it upon me without ceasing.

I know that my friends are still gonna be there to love me through it all. I have been so blessed to be surrounded by people who are there no matter what. I do not know what I would do without my community.

One thing that I have learned over the years is we can all wallow in our misery and let it overtake us. We can complain that everything is going wrong for us and want people to feel sorry for us. OR, we can get off our butts and make the most of every situation. We can stand up and become better humans for the trials that we are facing. We don't need let a few bad things ruin the great lives that we have. I am able to get up tomorrow morning and go for a long run and just forget about everything for an hour. I am able to get started studying for my three tests next week and realize that there is nothing I can do but try my hardest. And that is what I am going to do.

So if you are going through a hard time or the next time you are having a rough time, remember to let it go. Stand up and face those fears and hardships. Become a better person for it. Learn from your past but don't let it define you. All you have is this moment so make the most of it.

Carpe Diem

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Looking for the Positive

Today I have two tests in my two hardest classes. It has been just brutal studying for these tests but last night my roommate said something that I really love. He said that you can never have a good day if you have not had a bad day. So as you go through those rough days, weeks, semesters, years, etc. remember that something good will come eventually. Always look for the silver lining and the day will get better.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Here we go Again

So this week I have 3 tests and next week I have 3 tests. By Friday November 19th I will have had 12 tests in 5 weeks. School is totally kicking my butt right now but I cannot wait to have a few days off for Thanksgiving and see my brother. He is a freshman at the Naval Academy and I haven't seen him in months. It will be so good to see him again. Bring it on tests! I have Thanksgiving to look forward too and that is all I need!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good Morning

So I have an 8 a.m. class that I have hated all year because I don't like waking up before the sun. But today was amazing. I woke up at 6:15 and the sun was just about to rise. It was amazing to have my cup of coffee, read my Bible, and watch as the sun rose and the light flooded into my house. Now, waiting for class to start, I feel awake and ready for the day. Let's not miss out on the little blessings that we receive every day.

Carpe Diem

Monday, November 8, 2010

One of my Insperations

One of the things that really got me going on blogging is Today's Letters. It is a blog that a lady at my church does every day. When her and her husband first started dating, they would write letters back and forth. Since then, letters have been a way that they have shown their love for one another. I enjoy reading it every day and I hope that you find it helpful and an enjoyable read.

Carpe Diem

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why Do I Have This Blog?

The reason that I am starting this blog is I want a place where I can post fun things that are going on in my life and around me. I have a word press page ( that I use to post things about what Christ is teaching me in my life. I post there about once a week. But I also wanted a place where I could just post anything fun and random so here we go! I can really excited to be able to just do what I want with this page and see what happens.

Carpe Diem