
Monday, November 15, 2010

Cow in the Room

I know that this is not a great picture but it's the best my phone could do (I need an iPhone so I can actually take good pictures but maybe someday I'll have one). I walked into class and there was a group of people crowded together in the front of the room. I thought nothing of it and responded to a text I had. When I looked up after the text, I realized that there was a cow just standing in my classroom. I guess the class before me had a cow come in so they could talk about it. Not really sure what is going on in that class but oh well. The best part is the teacher had to carry around a trash can so each time the cow had to poop or pee, the teacher had to hold the trash can so it would not fall on the floor. So that was the start of my day. I love how little things in life can help you get through the day.

Carpe Diem

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