
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Book Review #1

So for the past 2 days all I have done is go to class and read The Lost Hero by Rich Riordan. This book is a sequal to the Percy Jackson books and is incredible. Now for all of you who saw the movie and think these books are stupid, the movie was horrible. They did a terrible job of sticking with the storyline and the character descriptions were very off. Everyone I know who has read the books loves them and completely hates the movies. Anyway, The Lost Hero is one of the most captivating books I have read in a while. I was sucked in from the first chapter until the very end. One of my favorite things about this book is you see Rich Riordan becoming a better author. The Percy Jackson books were never very long but this book was over 550 pages. He goes into greater detail and you learn so much more about the characters and what is going on around them. There are new characters from the first 5 books and each one offers something unique to the story. I don't want to give to much away but this is definately a book you need to check out. Remember to be yourself and don't let life pass you by without having some fun.

I give it: 4.5 out of 5

Carpe Diem

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