
Friday, November 12, 2010

One of those weeks

So this week was one of those weeks. You know the ones where nothing seems to go right. Where you try as hard as you can and still you fall short. I had 3 tests this week that I busted my butt for and none of them turned out well. I end the week by dropping my cell phone in the toilet (never texting in the bathroom again) and now it is broken as well. As I type this, I am letting frustration, anger, and hurt come out on the paper. But the great thing is I know that there is hope.

I know that tomorrow I will wake up and it will be a new day. Will my phone still be broken? Yea probably. Will my grades still be the same? Unless there is some miracle, definately. But I take comfort in knowing that there are still people here to love me and a Creator is has chosen me as His son. There is nothing I can do to earn His love and yet He pours it upon me without ceasing.

I know that my friends are still gonna be there to love me through it all. I have been so blessed to be surrounded by people who are there no matter what. I do not know what I would do without my community.

One thing that I have learned over the years is we can all wallow in our misery and let it overtake us. We can complain that everything is going wrong for us and want people to feel sorry for us. OR, we can get off our butts and make the most of every situation. We can stand up and become better humans for the trials that we are facing. We don't need let a few bad things ruin the great lives that we have. I am able to get up tomorrow morning and go for a long run and just forget about everything for an hour. I am able to get started studying for my three tests next week and realize that there is nothing I can do but try my hardest. And that is what I am going to do.

So if you are going through a hard time or the next time you are having a rough time, remember to let it go. Stand up and face those fears and hardships. Become a better person for it. Learn from your past but don't let it define you. All you have is this moment so make the most of it.

Carpe Diem

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